Thursday, November 30, 2006

Just one day

Ho hum

Thanksgiving's over now...turkey's are much safer...maybe. Next up, Christmas. With only a month to shop for it I'm thinking of what to get people. Nothing spendy, that's for sure. Not that I wouldn't like to buy everyone a spendy gift, but having little money really impacts that decision! So, I'm brainstorming now...have a few ideas...need a few more.

Oooh ohh...Pirates! The fifth...can't wait. Sorry...the commercial was just on.

So...there's a web comic that a classmate mentioned. I checked it out. It's kind of entertaining, actually. Cheshire Crossing

Hmm...what else? well I just found one of my school books from high school, something I passed around to people to write in. It's a blast looking through all that they've written. I miss Yam though, the foreign exchange student from Thailand. She was so sweet. Looking at it kinda makes me miss high school, but then I remember that it was high school and no longer miss it. Oh, and if anyone knows Sophia Perez, let me know...I'm constantly trying to find her again. She was a good friend, you know? But I have found a lot of old friends I had on myspace. It's neat and kinda crazy. Our lives are constantly changing and we aren't the same people we were...and that's not a bad thing.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Well, time to work on my paper. Catch ya later.


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